
Minerals and waste

We are responsible for the production, monitoring, and review of a minerals and waste local plan.

Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan

The current plan consists of two parts:

  1. Core strategy and development management policies - this outlines the principles for the future winning and working of minerals and the form of waste management. It also provides the criteria under which we consider minerals and waste development applications.
  2. Site locations - this includes specific proposals and policies for the provision of land for mineral and waste.

Review of the Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan

An in-depth review of the Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan has been undertaken assessing whether the policies remain relevant and effective. The review concludes that while many of the policies are performing well, the whole plan would benefit from being updated.

Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan update

On 19 February 2021 we resolved to update the Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan. Progress on this work and details of how and when you can get involved are set out on the Updating the minerals and waste local plan page.

Lincolnshire minerals and waste development scheme

The Lincolnshire minerals and waste development scheme sets out the timetable for the preparation of the new plan.

Statement of community involvement

The statement of community involvement outlines how the council plans to involve and consult the public and stakeholders.

Monitoring reports

The monitoring reports are for assessing the performance of the Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan.

Local aggregate assessment

To plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates, we produce local aggregate assessments.

Waste needs assessment

Waste needs assessments reports covering Lincolnshire's future waste management requirements to the end of 2045.