
Contact us

To help find services and information, you can use the site search or the following interactive form.

Alternatively, you can:

  • write to ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL
  • chat to Impy online through the 'Ask Impy' button across our website.

Impy digital assistant

Some telephone calls will first direct to our digital assistant, Impy, who can help you with routine enquiries. If Impy is not able to help, you will then be put through to an advisor.

Impy is not designed to deal with safeguarding concerns or take reports of emergencies. If your call is about these you will be directed to the right advisor straight away. 

By letting Impy deal with routine questions, we can free up time for our call handlers to support our more vulnerable residents, and deal with sensitive enquiries.

If you have any issues with the Impy digital assistant, please get in touch.

Social care enquiries

Deaf or hard of hearing

If you are deaf or have profound hearing difficulties .

Media enquiries

For press requests please email .

For filming enquiries please view Filming in Lincolnshire.