
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report

Independent chair's introduction

As the independent chair of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB), I invite you to consider our annual report for 2022-2023.

The board, with our partners, agreed on the strategic priority areas in our strategic plan.  To do this, we undertook:

  • a joint needs assessment
  • analysis of the Lincolnshire annual safeguarding return

As you will see in this report, the partners are progressing significant pieces of adult safeguarding work in line with our strategic priorities.

One of the most exciting developments of this year has been the creation of our Keeping people safe prevention strategy 2023-2026. This strategy will help guide the prevention activities of the LSAB partnership, including:

  • promoting individual wellbeing
  • help keep people safe by preventing safeguarding risks from escalating

It aims to do this by working collaboratively with:

  • other statutory partnerships
  • organisations
  • communities
  • families
  • carers

The delivery of the strategy depends on the commitment of the whole partnership.  It is a testament to the strength of our partnership that senior leaders from various sectors are leading work on prevention priority areas.

I would like to express my gratitude to the LSAB staff.  They work tirelessly to coordinate and support the board’s work.  Their work allows us to meet our statutory requirements and move towards achieving our strategic priorities.

Richard Proctor
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board
Independent Chair

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