
A course for parents, led by parents!

Two parents sat on a sofa with a young girl and boy on their knees talking together

Volunteers are needed to lead parenting courses in a Lincoln children’s centre.

A 10-week training course for delivering the Being a Parent (2-11) programme begins at Lincoln North Children's Centre from 24 September, with volunteers needing to attend one day a week. Volunteers have the option to attend an additional day of training for delivering the Baby and Us programme too.

Those successfully completing the course will then run an 8-week parenting programme beginning in February 2025. Volunteers will need around 4 hours per week for course delivery, evaluation and supervision.

Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for children’s services, said: “Becoming a parent can be a daunting prospect. So, we’re looking for parents who can share their experiences with others, helping them to understand their child’s behaviour, how to cope with stress, how to listen and communicate, and much more.   

“Volunteers will receive full training, so you will feel confident to lead practical, caring groups for local parents. Not only is this an opportunity to make a real difference to your local community, but it will be a chance to develop your skills and gain confidence and experience that could improve your future job prospects.”

For further information, please email lincolnnorthcc@lincolnshire.gov.uk


Published: 6th August 2024