
Report a flood

In the event of a flooding emergency you should focus on the safety of yourself and your family.

Dial 999 or 112 if it is an emergency.

For help on preparing for a flooding or severe weather event, visit our Emergency Advice section.

To report any type of flooding please contact us:

  • at our Customer Service Centre - 01522 782082
  • by email floodrisk@lincolnshire.gov.uk (this email is monitored Monday to Friday during office hours)
  • via FixMyStreet

Alternatively, flooding can be reported through the Environment Agency’s national Floodline:

  • Telephone – 0345 988 1188
  • Textphone – 0345 602 6340

Floodline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When reporting a flooding incident, please provide as much factual information as possible, as this will enable us to better perform our functions.

Once submitted we will check to see whether it meets our thresholds for a formal investigation.

If it doesn't, we will still provide tailored advice and guidance for you.

Report flooding

To report a flood please call:

Telephone: 01522 782082