
Performance and development appraisal policy

Policy overview

Our performance and development programme includes annual appraisals and regular one to one discussions. The purpose of the process is to:

  • ensure that we can deliver services to agreed standards by having the right skills:
    • in the right place
    • at the right time
    • to the required capacity
  • develop and support all employees to do their job well. This enables them to deliver our priorities for the benefit of our customers and communities
  • ensure we are working as one council and through our partners to provide effective and efficient services
  • maximise the capacity, resilience and flexibility of staff and resources to deliver our priorities
  • develop and retain professional skills through development of career pathways

We will recognise individual performance and contributions through:

  • annual appraisals
  • regular one to one discussions in-between appraisals
Grow with our support and your ambition graphic



Any related managers toolkits, letters and forms for this policy are available on Lincs2Learn.